
Thrifted Finds

There’s something about spending hours scavenging through piles of old, used clothing that is strangely calming and satisfying. Just kidding. But also, not. For those who don’t know, I love thrift stores; truly, my personal mecca for so many reasons. It’s sad that thrift stores still have such a strong negative connotation of being these dark, dingy, germ-infested places, when in reality, they’re not. Alright, I’m not gonna lie. Some places are pretty gross and make me want to douse myself in disinfectant spray for maybe eternity. But, the majority of the ones I’ve been to are totally fine and are actually the source of a large sum of my favorite clothing pieces. So, (although it’s not much) I thought I’d share some of the goods I picked up this Summer.


Summer Sounds

Just a little snippet of the soundtrack to my summer. Apologies for my scattered taste in music. Enjoy!


Chi Town

A couple weeks ago, a few of my relatives popped in from overseas for the summer. As a result, our household is now double its usual population and in its most chaotic state to date. To clear up the house, I decided to play tour guide for the day and show ‘em around the good old city of Chicago. It seems like no matter how many times I’ve been, I’m always up for a trip to the city. There are so many things to do and places to go that I fortunately have yet to exhaust to this day. And even after all these years, my first stop is always the Bean. There’s something so curiously entrancing about that piece of metal that always makes me wanna go back. Beats me.


Take Me Back

Three weeks into break and I’m starting to feel the beginnings of college withdrawal. Symptoms include: wasted time, boredom, tears. I suppose I can’t really complain. My summer has been incredibly relaxing thus far; lots of sleep, lots of food, but also a whole lot of doing nothing. I’ve been missing friends, my university’s beautiful campus, and sweeeeeet freedom. I don’t particularly miss the homework, exams, or 9AM classes but I do miss the countless late nights spent procrastinating that homework, bumming around with friends over a bag of hot Cheetos and Ramen (then wasting yet another hour rolling around in regret). Trust me, it really isn’t as sad as it sounds. Anyways, I was looking through some pictures I had taken throughout the year and I managed to uncover a few snapshots of me and the brother after shooting for our school’s Lookbook. Enjoy!


90s Revival

They say all good things come to an end… but clearly, whoever said that has never owned a pair of overalls ‘cause they seem to be popping up all over the place these days. Hallelujah, am I right? Anyways, the tricky part about wearing overalls past the age of three is that when worn the wrong way, it can look a bit like a costume. I do own a pair myself. And yes, sadly, I have been asked if I was a farmer/hobo/eight year old boy, on more than one occasion. Not that it says anything about my ability to dress myself... but take that as you will. 

alexa chung overalls
asos floral overalls
kate moss overalls
frayed denim overalls
hyoni kang leather overalls
photos via Tumblr